Occupational medicine
VM-BODY is applied for measuring human whole-body vibrations. Whole-body vibrations are caused by vibrations or shocks which are transmitted by machines and vehicles in the workplace via seat or feet. If a person is exposed to strong whole-body vibrations, safety and health are endangered and it is proven that backache can be provoked or aggravated.
The "vibration directiveā€¯ (directive 2002/44/EC) defines minimum requirements for the protection against risks arising from whole-body vibrations.
The measurement modes are based on the international standard ISO 2631. This standard not only covers whole-body vibrations from a medical view, but also comfort assessments, e.g. for passengers in rail vehicles (trains, underground railway, etc.). Thus, the comfort of a person during the transport can be assessed objectively and according to an internationally accepted method.
Identify causes
As an extra measurement mode, the identification of transmission characteristics of seats (
SEAT value) is available in VM-BODY+. For each measurement, the Pro version additionally offers an
analysis in frequency domain - for both, the unweighted signal and also with weighting filters. This way, causes (e.g. structural ones) which contribute to the total vibration value most are detected quickly.
Supported standards
VM-BODY offers 21 different measurement modes, based on
ISO 2631-1:1997 (whole-body vibration) health assessment
ISO 2631-1:1997 (whole-body vibration) comfort assessment
ISO 2631-2:2003 (vibration in buildings) comfort assessment
ISO 2631-4:2001 (rail vehicles) comfort assessment