Data for calculation of test mass advice
VM-BAL can specifically provide proposals for test masses, in order to reduce the existing unbalance already during test runs.
A few conditions have to be met for a working assessment.
First, balancing radius and rotor mass have to be entered.
Furthermore, the vibration sensors and the detection of the zero angle should be in a line.
The recommended angle uses the reflection mark as zero angle.
The proposal always refers to adding mass.
 Total vibration mass is known
If the total vibration mass is known, it can be entered here. From the value of the entered mass and the bearing, the estimation of a test mass advice can be improved.
 Bearing condition
Indication of the bearing conditions. The bearing condition is rigid, if the speed frequency of the machine is lower than the natural frequency of the bearing. The bearing condition is flexible, if the speed frequency is higher than the natural frequency of the bearing.
If the test mass advice is not needed, no settings have to be taken.