VM-BAL allows to chose if the mass changes to the test runs shall be kept or if they should be reverted. After the test run for plane A this can be decided.
E.g.: For test run A a mass has been attached and it was decided that it shall be removed after the test run. But the vibration measurement in test run A shows, that vibrations have been decreased significantly by this mass. Then you can decide even after vibration measurement to keep the mass attached.
If you don't want to revert the decision, the panel offers the information about what has been done in test run A. Thereby, a mounted test mass can be found and removed quickly.
Mass change selected
After finishing the test run plane A for two-plane balancing, the test run for plane B fades in with its first step - the mass change.
Side display
This section gives information about the next step and quick access to the relevant settings.
Reversion of previous mass change / current mass change
The mass change for the test run in plane B consists of two steps:
reversion mass change in plane A if necessary.
implementation of mass change in plane B.
Confirm button
Click this button to confirm your changes and proceed to vibration measurement.
The confirm button turns into an edit button. You can return to the mass edit menu as long as vibration measurement has not been started yet.
Decision about mass change of previous run
It can be decided if the mass change is kept or reverted.
Mass change of previous run in detail
The performed mass changes in test run A are listed in detail. This way they can be found quickly at the rotor if it is necessary to take them back.
Test mass for current run