Side display for vibration measurement
This panel appears each time vibration is measured.
This field displays the name of the measuring run.
Depending on the measuring run, this name can be:
Vibration measurement for Pilot survey
Vibration measurement for Initial run
Vibration measurement for Test run plane A
 State of execution
This field informs about the execution state.
The status can be:
This measurement is still to be executed.
This measurement is in progress.
This measurement was finished.
This measurement was discarded.
 Discard measurement
Click this button to discard the measurement.
After finishing vibration measurement VM-BAL will lock the start button so that no further measurement can be started. Before repeating the measurement you need to discard the previous measurement.
After discarding the measurement the button changes its design:
Click again to restore the discarded measurement if you have pressed the above button by mistake.