Manfred Weber
Metra Mess- und Frequenztechnik in Radebeul e.K.
PC Vibration Measurement System VibroMetra

Rotor list

All settings concerning the rotor may be saved in file. This will save time when the same machine or a similar one are balanced again.
Rotor list

List of rotor files

1. List of rotor files
The list shows all rotor files that have been saved. Click at a file name to put it into the  input field.

Input field

2. Input field
Select either an existing file name from the list (see above) or type in a new file name.

Open rotor file

3. Open rotor file
Opens the rotor file entered in the input field and loads all data and settings.

Save rotor file

4. Save rotor file
Saves a rotor file under the name entered in the input field .

Delete rotor file

5. Delete rotor file
Deletes the file in the input field.