Measuring channel management
VibroMetra can be operated with one single measuring channel, but also with 32 channels. The management of measuring channels provides an overview.
Selection tree
The selection tree shows all devices incl. their measuring channels. The devices are sorted acc. to their type.
The left picture shows the device type M312. There are 2 devices of that type, their serial numbers are 1011 and 1012. Each device provides two measuring channels. Device 1011 displays its channels. These measuring channels have been named individually (X-axis and Y-axis). On the left of the channel name, there is a status indicator in traffic light colors:
This measuring channel belongs to a device which is not connected at the moment.
This measuring channel belongs to a connected device and it is ready for measuring. However, the channel is not measuring yet.
This measuring channel is currently measuring.
Mouse operation
A double click on a device type opens the properties window of the respective device type.
A double click on a measuring channel opens the properties window of the respective channel.
A right click on a measuring channel opens its context menu.
You can restrict the list of measuring channels, e.g. to channels which are currently measuring (green activity indicator).
This button closes the window.
Show digital channels
Blends in the digital trigger channels.