Metra offers accredited calibrations for sensors, vibration meters, instruments and calibrators of own production and from other brands.
Accredited calibration
The accreditation certifies the expertise, independence and performance of our calibration laboratory. MMF has stood for quality in vibration measurement for more than 60 years. It is important to us that the quality of our calibration service is verified by a third party. Our customers can be confident that we work according to scientifically recognised and objective methods and achieve comparable and reproducible results. We now offer the option of accredited calibration for our products from a single source. Products from other manufacturers can also be calibrated. Up-to-date and detailed information on the specific scope of the accreditation, i.e. the accredited measurands, possible measurement ranges and measurement uncertainties, can be found in the annex to the certificate, D-K-21664-01-00, which is available for download.
Due to the membership of the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) in
the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), our
accreditation is internationally recognized.
Factory calibration
Metra offers factory calibrations for vibration transducers, instruments and measuring chains consisting of sensor and amplifier. In this case the calibration is the responsibility of the performing calibration lab. Factory calibration service is not accredited and therefore not covered by the EA MLA (European co-operation for Accreditation Multilateral Agreement), nor is it traceable. Factory calibration includes the issuance of a non-accredited calibration report on which the reference standards and the measured values are listed.
The picture shows a view of our calibration laboratory. On the left is a long stroke low frequency vibration table, Next to it is an air bearing medium and high frequency vibration exciter, in the middle the vibration control system and on the right hand side of the medium frequency vibration exciter for heavy objects. The frequency range of our calibration equipment is from 0.2 Hz to 20 kHz.