VM2x Firmware Versions ***************************** xxx.001 - first version xxx.002 - VM25: FFT for vibration velocity added - error in USB data upload removed xxx.003 - VM25: FFT accuracy improved - VM25: FFT cursor function improved - VM25: FFT shows amplitude and frequency of main spectral line - VM25: Error in K(t) base value import from VM2x-MDB PC software xxx.004 - new USB product ID for use with signed Windows driver - Enhanced operation language support xxx.005 - VM24/VM25: vibration velocity range changed from 2 - 300 Hz into 2 - 1000 Hz xxx.006 - VM25: FFT magnitude error at very high inputs solved xxx.007 - VM25: 3 new FFT frequency ranges xxx.008 - only relevant for OEM partners xxx.009 - VM25: FFT can be saved - FFT with Hann instead of Kaiser window - Error in answer of "#S" command removed - 1 new FFT frequency range - Memory problem with some SD card types solved xxx.010 - command for FFT download added xxx.011 - error after deleting last FFT removed xxx.012 - error in trending fixed xxx.013 - bug in displayed hardware version fixed xxx.014 - changes only relevant for OEM versions xxx.015 - changes only relevant for OEM versions xxx.016 - error in FFT amplitude fixed xxx.017 - fixed: instrument stopped while VMID contact connected to ground - fixed: permanent overload indication in crest mode xxx.018 - bug in 11.5 Hz FFT download fixed xxx.019 - bootloader bug fixes xxx.020 - upper end of 2-1000 Hz velocity frequency range flattened xxx.021 - unit saves an 8 character comment with the measurement if no VMID point available xxx.022 - bug in velocity FFT saving fixed xxx.023 - delay in USB commands #K, #N and #Y added xxx.024 - date and time held at reset during operation - VM24/25: menus switch to first/last item after last/first item - bug in decimal point position fixed - minimum hold time of 1 s for on-off button xxx.025 - occasional overloads without signal fixed